Sunday, February 10, 2008

gonge xab dideh

I just read about this persian idiom today and found it pretty interesting...the idiom is meant to represent the state of awakening after a dream in which one is still bewildered but begining to decipher the images. This mental state I think can be applied to both dream and non dream like states. Those moments where we begin to awake from something, and bewildered try to "make sense: or piece things together. After trauma, tradgedy etc we there comes a moment where we realize we are emerging, but from what and to what it is not clear. Slowly in the re-emergence we begin to decipher, to understand or at least in some sense gain perspectice. The trouble it seems is that there is no real single oint of emergence from trauma, as a gradual process it would appear then that we are deicphering images but still fuzzy, still entangled in the very trauma we are trying to understand. Is there an idiom for perpetual bewilderment, constant sense making amidst inconsistencies...