Thursday, February 14, 2008

deleuze, delusion, its 1030 and I feel a flu coming on

you know that ache, the one that signals the beginings of getting sick...its that latent pain that is not yet but warns you of what will/ might be...well I feel it so its off to bed...

but briefly after reading some Deleuze I was intent on thinking about possibility, about that dynamic activity called life that Delueze says is lived in the in-between moments, those moments that offer nothing but the possibility to become, so we are always in the process of becoming, there is no stasis, no begining, no end point, but always eternal possiblity as Deleuze notes:
"life takes place in the middle:this indefinite life does not have moments, however close they might be, but only meantimes, between-moments"

what is interesting than for Delueze is neither the begining nor the end but the middle, that place where we always are and are always moving from. life in this sense is just between moments of possibility, with potential in each one. so those moments that feel like between? well they are moments of potential offering nothing more than the opportunity to become. i guess than our hope for stasis is irrational at best...hopefully there is potential then in this moment that I will not get sick. potential for happiness in the depths of sadness. potential for understanding when none of it makes sense. potential for clarity amidst the confusion. we are pure potential.